RGV Chapter of Texas Association
for Play Therapy
Wishing you a Happy and Safe Summer
This website is dedicated to all mental health licensed and future professionals. Resources, training and workshops are part of the many things The Rio Grande Valley Chapter of the Texas Association for Play Therapy (RGVC-TAP) has to offer. We welcome you to help us grown and help others grow as we care for the Rio Grande Valley Children, youth and families. RGVC-TAP is here to provide hands on training that will help you advance in your practice. Become a member today and enjoy what we have to offer. Welcome!
Who we are
We are a group of professionals with the passion for helping others achieve their maximum potential in the field of mental health. Our chapter is composed of Registered Play Therapists and Registered Play Therapists -Supervisors, Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed clinical social workers, Licensed Social worker, Licensed Psychologists, School counselors, Interns and students, and other professionals in the mental health field.
Join us
Those who join our chapter are true followers and continue to be a great inspiration to others. Be part of the RGVC-TAP and helps us inspire, not only professionals, but also the community we serve. Be part of the inspiration challenge and work to make a difference in the Rio Grande Valley as we expand our knowledge and application as professionals. Once again, Welcome!
June 6, 2015
“Play Therapy Interventions for Children with Disabilities, Abuse Issues, and Aggression Problems”
Presented by: Matilde Alaniz M.Ed., LPC-S, RPT-S
Renaissance Behavior Hospital-Activity Room
5510 Raphael Drive Edinburg, TX (956) 362-4357
(956) 362-4357 Fee: Free to Members ($40 dues)/ $25 non-Members